

Competence: I understand the concept of polymorphism and can use superclasses to create different data types in the same way.


This week we are looking at the following probe of object-oriented programming: polymorphism.

Polymorphism literally means the ability to have multiple forms. Within programming you have seen and used this many times in recent weeks: you have written a class Person, which is then used as a base for the classes Student and Teacher. If you then create a Teacher object, you have an object that is actually a Person, with a small addition to make it a Teacher.

In this case, we speak of an object that actually has multiple faces (types): it is both a Teacher and also a Person. Of course, the same goes for our other example: Student. A Student is also a Person. As students and teachers are both also persons it is possible to write code that applies to both types (or better: for the type of Person). The option to treat a class (e.g. Student) as a different class (e.g. Person) is called polymorphism.

This technique is particularly powerful, because it allows you to use multiple types in one common way. This prevents code duplication and increases the reusability of your code.

However, you will have to do something for this; Java, for example, cannot easily tell what the type of an object is and during your programming you will have to pay attention to this. And that is exactly the subject of this week!


Everything in Java has a type. You learned this from the moment you started programming in Java. You have variables made of the type int, double, etc. (what we call the primitive types), but soon we started to add our own data types in the form of Person, Car, Album, etc. So far, however, we have always pretended that a variable could only have one type and now we’ll tell you that this was technically incorrect. All reference types in Java are polymorphic, which means that they all have multiple types. For example, all classes within Java already inherit, by default, from the class Object class, resulting in that each class you build yourself actually already has 2 types.

In the event of inheritance, we introduced some additional possibilities to add more types. In addition to the classes Teacher and Student, we introduced also a class Person in which common functionality could be included. This addition meant Student is now also a Person (and indirectly still also an Object). So if an object is a Teacher you can therefore treat it in different ways: as a Teacher, but also as a Person or even a Object.

Note that usually the opposite does not apply by default: a teacher is always a person, but not all persons are teachers!

Given is the following code for the classes Person, Student and Teacher:

public class Person {
 private String firstName;
 private String lastName;

 public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;

 // Omitted getters / setters
public class Student extends Person {

    private int studentNumber;

    public Student(String firstName, String lastName, int studentNumber) {
        super(firstName, lastName);

        // Omitted checks on student number
        this.studentNumber = studentNumber;

    // Omitted getters / setters
public class Teacher extends Person {

 private String code;

 public Teacher(String firstName, String lastName) { 
     super(firstName, lastName);
     code = generateCode(firstName, lastName); // Converts "Tristan Pothoven" into "TPO" -- Omitted as this is an exercise.

 // Omitted getters / setters

So far, we have always used these classes like:

Student regularStudent = new Student("Some", "Student", 1234567);

Teacher regularTeacher = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven");

And that’s fine, of course. We define a new variable of the type Student or Teacher and instantiate an object of the same type (and connect it to a variable). But there’s another way. We can also rewrite previous code and store both types of individuals in variables of the same type:

Person regularStudentAsPerson = new Student("Some", "Student", 1234567);

Person regularTeacherAsPerson = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven");

In this case, we use the fact that a Student is also a Person. (And that makes sense: “A student is also a person.”)

However, connecting a Student instance to a Person variable does have consequences: in your program, students (and also teachers) are now really considered instances of the Person class, with the result that all extensions you have added to the subclasses (e.g. requesting the student number from a student or the teacher code from a teacher) is now no longer possible. This is because a Person instance does not have the appropriate methods to retrieve these attributes. So in this case, Java will prevent you from calling these methods (because it is not sure if there is a teacher code or student number at all). However, the content data of a Teacher or Student is stored properly. So you don’t have to worry about information being lost.

This can also be seen if you try to type this into the IntelliJ IDEA editor. Study the following screenshots:

No getter

Please note that the image above shows no getStudentNumber() method in regularStudentAsPerson, because this variable refers to a Person object and a Person object has no student number!

Fortunately, this problem can be solved by casting a Person instance back to Student instance. We’ll talk about that in a moment.

Because we can now treat both teachers and students as Person objects, this has many benefits for our code. It can be used in methods (as an argument and as a return type), but perhaps the best example can be found in lists.

See the example below in which we use an ArrayList to store people:

Person regularStudentAsPerson = new Student("Some", "Student", 1234567);
Person regularTeacherAsPerson = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven");

ArrayList<Person> listOfPersons = new ArrayList<>(); // Note the Person type!

listOfPersons.add(regularStudentAsPerson); // A student is also a person!
listOfPersons.add(regularTeacherAsPerson); //A teacher is also a person!

By having the ArrayList now save the type Person, we get the opportunity to store all people, regardless of whether they are students or teachers, in the same list. Of course, it still depends on the purpose of the program whether you would want this (sometimes using 2 lists is more convenient), but the possibility exists.

For completeness: it is not necessarily necessary to create the variables of the type Person. The compiler is capable of determining that the class Student is also a subclass of Person. The code below is therefore equal to the example above (but for clarity we show both versions).

Student regularStudent = new Student("Some", "Student", 1234567); //Note that we do not store this as Person!
Teacher regularTeacher = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven"); //Note that we do not store this as Person!

ArrayList<Person> listOfPersons = new ArrayList<>();


Because we can now store teachers and person in the same list, we can easily invoke methods on all known persons in the system (e.g. by using a single loop to iterate over listOfPersons). However, the real benefit of polymorphism like this can be found in the expandability of our system.

Let’s consider an (extreme) example: in addition to the classes Teacher and Student, we also introduce the classes Employee, PartTimeStudent, FullTimeStudent, Manager and ProjectLeader, each of which inherits from the class Person. (We`re not going to implement these classes for now.)

Because we use a list of Person instances in our program, these new subtypes of Person can be used immediately: there is no need to make any adjustment to our code as the listOfPersons will accept these new types immediately. It is still possible to save all persons in this list! As long as the classes inherit from Person this solution continues to work. And this benefit, that you do not require to make alterations to your code beside creating a new subclass, is one of the strengths of object-oriented programming: It makes further expansion of the system much easier!


As previously mentioned, using superclasses to bundle certain types together also has some drawbacks. The main drawback is that you lose access to all extensions that you have added to the class (e.g. the student number or teacher code). And in some cases this is not an issue, however most of the time, you have created these classes for a reason.

You can always “force” a class with a certain supertype in a variable of a particular subtype by casting it. You have previously seen casting to turn a double value into an int:

double someDouble = 2.5;
int valueFromDouble = (int) someDouble; //this will result in "2" as everything after the comma is dropped.

The construction (<type>) is called casting and with that you force the compiler to treat an object as a specific type; You’re actually telling the compiler, “Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

Note that casting a subclass to a superclass is not necessary, because the subclass is always the superclass i.e. a Student instance has all the variables / methods that a Person has (and more). To keep track of what you need to, please remember this: “All students are persons but not all persons are students”. (Meaning that converting a student to a person is ok! But person to student is something to take care of!)

Casting can be used as follows in our previous example of people, students and teachers:

Person regularStudentAsPerson = new Student("Some", "Student", 1234567);

Student regularStudent = (Student) regularStudentAsPerson; // Convert the type from Person back to Student.

The variable regularStudent has now been “restored” to what it was and all the functionality of the class Student is now available again to use. You can also read the previous example as try to convert the regularStudentAsPerson object to a regular Student object.

Regular behaviour

However! Casting is not safe. You may have already read the word “try” in the previous sentence; This was for a reason. Casting allows you as a developer to apply smart tricks, but the compiler assumes that you know what you are doing. So if there are no good checks on converting types, casting can really go wrong. Take, for example, the following code:

Person regularTeacherAsPerson = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven"); //Note that we initialize a Teacher instance, but store it as `Person`.

Student someStudent = (Student) regularTeacherAsPerson; //Convert the type from Person to Student.

In terms of syntax, this is completely valid and you won’t get any compilation errors either. This is because you gave the Java compiler the instruction to convert the type of an object and Java will always try to do so! However, during the execution of the program, the program will discover that this conversion is not actually possible and your program will crash with a ClassCastException:


You may consider this error message as a notification that it is not possible to cast a Student object to a Teacher object. This also makes sense! After all, a student does not have a teacher’s code, and a teacher does not have a student’s number.

IntelliJ as a tool is fortunately quite smart and will help us to find these types of errors, but it cannot indicate for all situations. (Especially if you`re going to use methods in different classes.) So always trust your own instincts.

IntelliJ warning

It’s up to you as a programmer to make sure that if you want to convert a type, that this is possible.

Luckily, we can easily check types before casting. That is what the next paragraph is about.

Distinguish between types: instanceof

To check if an object is of a certain type, Java has the keyword instanceof. You can use this keyword in an if-statement. The syntax might be a little different than you are used to: <object> instanceof <type>. Let`s take a look at this in an example:

Person regularTeacherAsPerson = new Teacher("Tristan", "Pothoven"); //Note that we initialize a Teacher instance, but store it as `Person`.

if (regularTeacherAsPerson instanceof Teacher) {
        //It`s safe to cast to a Teacher instance!
        Teacher regularTeacher = (Teacher) regularTeacherAsPerson;
} else {
    //Don't do it! ClassCastException is waiting!

This example is of course a bit lame, but consider the following example now.

What if we run a zoo? With different types of animals. In this program we have defined classes such as Lion, Elephant, Giraffe, …

Because these classes have quite a lot of common functionality, we have build a class Animal to prevent code duplication. The data for these animals all comes from the same database and during reading all these animals are stored in 1 large list: ArrayList<Animal> listOfAllAnimals.

Check out the following code:

public void run() {
    ArrayList<Animal> listOfAllAnimals = readAnimalsFromDB(); //Don`t worry how this is done..
    for(Animal a : listOfAllAnimals) {
        // Do something with this animal..    

In the above loop, it is impossible to call methods specific to a particular species. Only methods defined in the Animal class can be used. Should we now want to call animal-specific methods we’re going to have to cast the instance to whatever we want. However, this comes with a risk of casting something incorrectly, so we will have to use instanceof to make sure that we can cast safely. This could look like this:

public void run() {
        ArrayList<Animal> listOfAllAnimals = readAnimalsFromDB(); //Don't worry how this is done..

        for(Animal a : listOfAllAnimals) {
            if(a instanceof Lion) {
                //Give it some meat!
                Lion l = (Lion) a;
                l.giveMeat(..); //giveMeat(..) is a specific method for Lion`s (or meat eating animals).
            } else if(a instance of Giraffe) {
                //Give it some hay or bamboo!
                Giraffe g = (Giraffe) a;
                g.giveVeg(..); //giveVeg(..) is a specific method for Giraffes (or vegetable eating animals).
                //Also, let`s measure the length of its neck!
                g.getNeckLength(..); //This might also be a specific method for Giraffes.
            } else if(...) { ... }

Because instanceof is combined with a cast quite often, Java recentely introduced a bit of new syntax to take both steps at once:

if(a instanceof Lion l) { // Note the variable after the type
    l.giveMeat(...); // It saves a line of explicit casting!

Just to conclude the example, the earlier example should be improved by adding a few more types, like Herbivore (vegetable eater), Carnivore (meat eater), etc. But we’ll leave that up to you do properly!

Method overriding: which method is called?

Last week we also introduced in inheritance that you can override methods.

In the case of polymorphism, this gives an interesting problem: suppose you have defined a method in a superclass, but it has overriding in a subclass. Take, for example, the following toString construction:

public class Person {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

    public String toString() {
        return firstName + " " + lastName;
public class Teacher extends Person {

    private String code;

    public Teacher(String firstName, String lastName) {
        super(firstName, lastName);

        code = generateCode(firstName, lastName); Converts "Tristan Pothoven" into "TPO" -- Omitted as this is an exercise.

    public String toString() {
        return super.toString() + " (" + code + ")";

What would happen if you execute the following code?

Person somePerson = new Teacher("Tristan","Pothoven");

System.out.println(somePerson.toString()); //Added .toString() to make clear we're looking at that method, it's not required.

You may expect to only see “Tristan Pothoven” now, as this is the toString() method that is linked is up to the Person class. However, you will see the following result:

toString example

This is the toString() defined by the class Teacher and is the result of something that is in Java known as “dynamic method lookup”.

In the case of polymorphism, a method calls the most specific implementation of a method. In addition, it is important to know that it is not the type of variable (in this case Person) that determines which method but the type of the actual object (in this case: Teacher). So you can treat a Teacher as a person, but it remains a teacher (it’s like the real world!).

The nice thing about this way of working is that the idea of inheritance is preserved: You can easily create a subclass for your own implementation that deviates from its superclass(s) and also treat them in the same way. Java takes care of it and ensures that the correct version of a method is called, regardless of the type of variable to which the object is attached.

Videos from our archives

The first video is about casting and the use of instanceof. The video talks about an abstract class. This will be covered next week, and you can ignore it for now.

InstanceOf and Casting

The video below is about designing (and writing down) classes and their relationships. The video is from our archives and talks about an exercise that is no longer part of the course. The principles of design and how you should write down your design hasn’t changed however.

OO Design