
Indian dishes

Write a program in which you will be quizzed on your knowledge of Indian cuisine and its dishes. The data for this exercise can be downloaded here.

After loading the data from the provided indian_food.csv file, each round the computer will select a random dish and the user will be asked what course this dish (normally) belongs to. The only answer possibilities are:

For each correctly answered question, the user gets a point and moves on to the next question. As soon as the user gives a wrong answer, the program will terminate. There is no maximum to the number of questions a user can get. Also, we will not worry about getting the same question multiple times.

To build this, you should implement a class FoodQuiz that is able to generate questions and keep track of the game. At the very least, implement the following methods:

It is highly recommended that you think about other classes you might need besides the FoodQuiz.

Feel free to make improvements you want!



********** Question 1: **********
Dish name: Navrattan korma
Ingredients: Green beans, potatoes, khus khus, low fat, garam masala powder

What type of dish is described above?
	1. main course
	2. dessert
	3. starter
	4. snack

Please enter the number of your answer: 1
Correct! SCORE: 1.

********** Question 2: **********
Dish name: Shrikhand
Ingredients: Curd, sugar, saffron, cardamom

What type of dish is described above?
	1. main course
	2. dessert
	3. starter
	4. snack

Please enter a value: 2
Correct! SCORE: 2.

********** Question 3: **********
Dish name: Sambar
Ingredients: Pigeon peas, eggplant, drumsticks, sambar powder, tamarind

What type of dish is described above?
	1. main course
	2. dessert
	3. starter
	4. snack

Please enter a value: 3
That's WRONG! It was a main course. GAME OVER.

Process finished with exit code 0