
A library system

Difficulty: Filled Outlined Outlined

One of the most classical examples of programming is creating a library system. Today you are going to do that ;-). For the sake of simplicity our library only has one copy of each title.

Please note: The books file is a free public domain download from https://www.kaggle.com/jealousleopard/goodreadsbooks.

The system must meet the following requirements:

Example output

Lets start with printing all top rated books.

(N.b. We know it’s a bit of a strange collection. This is because we don’t take the number of voters into account). Example

Then search for all books with an author with “Rowling” in the name. Example

Now rent the book with id 4. Example

And search again for all books with an author with “Rowling” in the name. Now it’s marked red. Example