
Tutoring: Introduction to Programming


Week 1

methods 1

variables 1

Exercise12 - calculations 2

Week 2

methods 2

Exercise4 - Throwing a die

if statements 1

Exercise2 - comparing values

Week 3

loops 1

Exercise2 - counting from 100 to 1:

if statements 2

Exercise4 - Replace your fridge:

Week 4

methods 3

Exercise3 - Drawing multiple triangles - 2

lists 1

Exercise5 - Generating a random order of people

Week 5

loops 2

Exercise2 - Printing with the enhanced for loop

variables 2

Exercise1 - Create some Person instances

Week 6

loops 3

Loops3 - Getting familiar with the for-loop

lists 2 (optional)

Rewrite ArrayList to array

Week 7

Example test Pricewatch

Example test Ministeck